Dash of Sparkle: You’ve Got This
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Sometimes I pick quotes that relate to my life and other times ones with ice cream. Plus, after Friday’s post it only seemed right to keep the ice cream theme going…right?
You ever have those mornings when you get up early get your workout in, shower, get to work early and then sit down to your desk to find more unread e-mails that calories your burned at the gym that morning. Yup those mornings, when it starts off as if you’re in the beginning of a movie where you feel like it’s going so well that there should be background music to your morning routine. Maybe some “Happy” or a little “Walking on Sunshine” kind of beat to the step and then you get to work and cue the Jaws theme song. Da Da Doomed.
Yup those mornings. Those mornings when you feel like lunchtime is days away and the idea of leaving the office is only in your dreams. I used to have those quite often, heck everyday (minus the gym every morning if we’re being honest). 
But the other day my boss told me “Remember we aren’t saving the world, we’re just planning events. Nothing will happen if an e-mail goes unread” and it was the best thing anyone could say. Really, what would happen if I don’t reply. They follow-up? Oh geez how terrible..
All sarcasm aside, I know we all rely so heavily these days on our e-mails and phones. Shoot my job wouldn’t even be possible without those things, but it’s important to remember to chill out because at the end of the day we aren’t saving the world by an e-mail.

Dash of Sparkle

No explanation needed for this one. Just remember to chill out because you’ve got it this week!

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