Dash of Sparkle: A Numbers Game
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As I’m writing this post, I’m sitting on an Amtrak train that has been delayed 4 hours which means I will be getting in to the city at 3am and up for work at 7am. It’s going to be one long Monday, that’s for sure. 

4 hours stuck sitting on a non-moving train, 3 hours of sleep and then an 8 hour work day, maybe because I’m a bit of a math geek myself but numbers play such an important role in our everyday life. Think about it. We have X number of minutes to get there before it starts or X number of dollars in our bank account, X number of followers on social media or likes on our picture, X number of days to follow up on an interview, X number of battery left on our phone…no matter what, the numbers surround our everyday life and determine our thoughts and feelings. 
When the train conductor first announced we would be stopping for a repair on the track and it would be about a 4 hour delay, my heart sunk and my anxiety kicked into full gear. Was I still going to get home? Yes. Would I get there in one piece? Yes. Would I be able to sleep before work? Not really, but I’ve got time to make that up later. The point is, sometimes the numbers get the best of us and cause us to worry over the littlest things. While everyone panicked at first reaction to the delay, now they’re playing board games in the cafe cart and cracking jokes about a big sleepover on the train. Sometimes life is a numbers game, but in the end we’ll always be able to solve the problem:)

Dash of Sparkle

Put the little numbers aside and the big picture in front of you this week. It doesn’t matter if you’re 5 minutes late for your dinner reservation what matters is the moments you shared with the people there. Or if you only got 10 likes on your photos, in reality you know that photo was worth infinity.

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