Pamper Time

It’s Monday, where did the weekend go? This weekend I took a quick road trip back home for a wedding. I got home when the sun was rising, danced the night away and turned around and came back to the city Sunday as the sun was setting. It was a short trip, but a great one! After getting back on Sunday evening, I needed a night of a little pampering to get me ready for a full week of work and nonstop events (including 5 on the same night…wish me luck). 
Sometimes between work, events, blogging and going out with friends, I forget to take some time to myself. As you may notice this magazine is the September issue and I am just now getting around to reading it, better late than never though. I love staying busy and usually don’t know what to do with myself when I have free time, so last night I decided to go all out on pampering. I recently tried the new H20 Plus Spa Sea Lavender Collection and am hooked. If you are looking for a great way to relax, this is the way to do it. They have this amazing salt scrub that makes your hands feel baby smooth and with the smell of lavender you really feel like you are at the spa. 
Of course, it wouldn’t be a spa night without a face mask and a manicure. I tried this face mask from que bella, you can get them at Target and there is a large variety of different ones to choose from. I also recently discovered the next best thing in nail polish, Miracle Gel. It dries super quick and lasts for two weeks without chipping! It comes in every color you can imagine and looks like you went to the nail salon. 

 Color pictured is Greyfitti. 
It was a great night of at home pampering and the perfect end to my weekend! I know sometimes we all can get a little caught up in our work and social life and forget to take some time to relax, but when we do it sure is nice. Hope everyone had a lovely weekend! 

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