7 Ways to Love Your Current Job

Job Burnout

So I don’t know how to say this, but…it’s just not working out anymore.

No, no it’s not you, it’s me. See I imagined being with you would mean waking up every morning and thinking “man, I can’t wait to get to work” and then skipping out the door and sitting down at my desk just smiling from ear to ear while my fingers just type away….

Say whhaatt?

What is this Lauren Conrad working at Teen Vogue?

Nope, sorry people this is no “fake” reality and believe it or not one of the most commonly asked questions by readers is tips on finding your dream job and well, in “real reality you’re most likely already at it.

Everyone wants to find that job that they “love” and are “passionate” about and I’m definitely not trying to be all Miss Debbie Downer over here, but I have some big news. That morning routine I described above, it doesn’t exist.

Yup, you can keep that Facebook relationship status (aka workplace) as is because your dream job is right in front of you.

Ready for it?

Sure I plan some of what I think are the coolest events and I have many “pinch me” moments where I am so thankful for how far I have come and the opportunity I have but I also wake up almost every morning thinking “I would much rather stay in my pjs than go into the office”. I also do some pretty cool events that I share on social media but spend 75% of my time at a desk answering e-mails, collecting insurance policies from vendors and filing away invoices from past events.

So spoiler alert: Even the “dream” jobs aren’t all butterflies and rainbows.

Like I’ve always said I LOVE my job (sometimes way too much), but at the end of the day a job is still a job. It’s still something that you go to 5 days a week, have to stay until the end of the day and have to do some not so fun things to get the work done. So before looking any further for your dream job, take a look at my few tips below because your dream job might just be right in front of you:)

job burnout

Remember It’s Still a Job.

Like I said above, remember that it’s still a job. It’s still something you wake up and go to every day where you do things you may not always want to do. Even the fun jobs such as party planning require lots of invoice tracking, internal record keeping, post event procedure wrap-up, lots and lots of e-mails and much more not-so-fun stuff behind the scenes stuff.

Treat Your Co-Workers Like Family.

Your co-workers don’t have to be your best friends, but it definitely does help if you appreciate and enjoy being around them. For me, I see my co-workers everyday which is more than I see my family and most of my friends so having co-workers that I value not only in their work ethics but also on a personal level helps make my day that much more enjoyable and love the environment I’m in.

Find Your Passion.

You’re not going to love every aspect of your job. I’ll admit, I hate writing proposals and sitting at my desk for hours answering e-mails but on the other hand, I love seeing my work come together at events and meeting my clients in person to create their dream event concept. So while I may not enjoy every minute of the day, I try to really excel and treasure the time spent doing the parts I truly love.

job burnout

Create Balance.

Just like everything else in life, it’s all about the balance. In the work world, it’s about finding that perfect balance of working hard to achieve your goals but not overdoing it to the point of exhaustion and frustration. I never suggest slacking by any means, but also be aware if you are pushing yourself to the limit or you may just push yourself to the point of burnout.

Leave Work at Work.

Love your work, but also love your life so be sure to leave work at work and enjoy your time outside of the office. For so many of us after a long day at work, we want to go home and vent about it or talk about what we could have done differently, but in the end we’re only hurting the cause by continuing to think about it during our personal time. This also goes for over checking of e-mails after leaving the office. I always keep an eye on work e-mails after hours in case of emergency but I try to hold off on answering until the morning unless urgent.

Think Positively.

Just like the saying “we are what we eat”, “we are what we think”. If we are always thinking negatively about our job, co-workers, company, pay, etc. then that is how we will perceive the job overall. In reality, no job is perfect nor should it be so staying positive and appreciating the job will help you realize that it may not be as bad as you think afterall.

Don’t Compare.

Every job looks like rainbows and sunshine from the outside, because let’s be honest nobody is actually posting about how they stayed 4 hours late to deal with a screaming client who wasn’t happy with the proposed menu and the event is less than 24 hours away. Hmmm sounds familiar. Try to remember every job has it’s pros and cons, be careful not to compare your own job to how others’ are perceived from the outside because nobody is sharing the not so pretty moments.

Any tips you’ve found helpful to love your day-to-day at the office? Still trying to find where your passion lies within your company? Share your favorite parts about your job below.

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