What I’ve learned from 2 Years of Blogging

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2 years, wait did someone move my clock forward? How has it already been 2 years since I started the blog?

Seems like yesterday I was posting those terribly lit and incredibly awkward photos, telling myself “eh, nobody but family reads it anyways”. I mean I would link back to one of the post, but I don’t want to scare you away quite yet.

After 2 years of grabbing coffee with complete strangers to network, pulling all nighters to edit photos and answer e-mails, standing outside in the freezing cold or scorching hot weather trying to smile like its 70 and sunny, spending any free second I had to read books or google search how to shoot in manual mode or edit photos in lightroom, I have to say I wouldn’t change a single second of it.

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I started blogging only as a creative outlet (aka a motivator to keep the creative juices flowing when juggling 3 jobs) and a networking opportunity, with the mindset that I may get to meet a few people and could keep my family up to date with my adventures in the city, but man was I wrong. Thanks to the blog I’ve met some of the most ridiculously talented and creative people, I’ve had the chance to work with some of my all time favorite brands, shoot my first instagram series for a nationally recognized shoe brand, contribute posts to some of my favorite sites, host my first fashion runway show, collaborate with many talented photographers and fellow bloggers, and the list goes on.

It’s crazy when looking back at all the amazing opportunities the blog has given me and how far it has come since the terrible photos and weather post talking days. Through the past two years, I’ve learned not only how to use lightroom, shoot in manual, what SEO means and how to post without having 5 chins (still guilty of this at times), but mainly I’ve learned so much about myself. The blog has been my opportunity to be 100% myself, which means lots of cheesy puns, a few awkward angled photos and the chance to share advice on all things I’m learning along this incredible life journey.

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So if you’ve been following along since year 1, you probably remember my 1 Year Blogging Lessons post and to keep the tradition going I’m sharing another round-up of the top things I’ve learned in year two. Whether you’re a new blogger, looking to start one or just reading this for the fun of it (well, aren’t you sweet), sit back, grab the champagne and let’s go down memory lane with my top posts and tips from year 2 of blogging.

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Think of why you started, not where you want to end: There are two types of bloggers, one that starts with an ending goal in sight and usually gives up after a few months when they realize it isn’t as easy as it looks and then there’s the type that keeps going to get their post out even when they’re on their 4th cup of coffee for the day and there’s no profit on the post. There are so many opportunities that come with blogging and 99% of them you could never even dream of until they happen, so instead of having an ending goal in mind just keep pumping out creative, awesome content and the opportunities will follow.


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Have Fun With It: Unless you’re a full-time blogger, you probably have another job and this is something you do (or will do) in your spare time…all your spare time, so have fun with it! After all, it’s your site anyways. There’s no rules to your site and that’s the best part! If you’re not feeling like writing that post you had planned for or shooting that tight dress after a night of pizza eating, then don’t. Go throw on the baggy sweater and boyfriend jeans with some colorful pumps for that shoot!


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Be Yourself: This was something I struggled with the most in the beginning. I had been reading and researching blogs for years due to having three PR jobs and found it so hard to find my own voice and content that fit my tone and people would actually want to read. I was trying too hard to mix what I liked in other blogs that I lost myself and sounded like a robot spitting out sales pitches for you to try this new trend that I don’t even know if it’s still in style. So I finally realized, instead of asking what my readers would want to read, I asked myself what would I want to read because most likely they would read the same! If I wouldn’t actually wear that on the weekend, why would anyone else?


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Never Stop Learning: One of my favorite parts about blogging is the constant challenge to learn more. I think one of the most common mistakes people think is that there is some big secret to success that nobody is telling, but the reality is that person probably learned what she is doing well on her own and then continued to learn, improve and grow. Whether it’s learning how to use your camera, use wordpress or style food to actually look pretty, there is so many different opportunities to learn and I can’t wait to learn even more in year 3!


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Make the First Move: Not we’re not talking dating here. I’m talking putting yourself out there to brands. Something I struggled with a lot this year was wanting to work with certain brands, but having the fear of reaching out. “If they want to work with me, they’ll contact me” is what I thought, but with hundreds of new blogs popping up daily, I hate to say it but unless you make the first move they most likely will not find you. So don’t be afraid to reach out to a brand and tell them you would love to style their clothes or maybe a product you would love to feature in a post. Taking that first step could lead to a great partnership and more opportunities in the future.


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The Time is Now: There is never the perfect moment or a flashing neon sign that says “Do it now”, you just have to do it…and do it now. You’ll always find an excuse of why you shouldn’t do it, you still want to learn more about WordPress or you haven’t bought that fancy new lens yet, whatever the reason is, push it aside and start now. You’ll learn way more once you start then if you don’t start at all. I had no clue how to use wordpress nor the time to really learn before jumping into it, but I made the leap to switch over and then learned as I went along and I think I’m doing just fine;)


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Create Your Own Journey: Like I said before, this is all about you. Yes, you can be selfish (a little) when it comes to your own site because hey it’s your site! You’re putting the time and effort in and you’re making all the rules, you boss lady you. So put your best foot forward and enjoy the ride, because trust me it’s going to be a good one!


Special thanks to all of the people who have made this past year an incredible one and for pushing me to work harder!

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