Dash of Sparkle: Giving Back with Causebox

Happy Monday! This weekend was quite a busy one from work events to a friend in town and photo shoots galore, I barely had time to finish my coffee in the mornings. I was running around so much this weekend that when I left my last event on Sunday all I could think about was getting home and catching up on e-mails and things around the apartment. I was in a cab on my way home and not really in the mood to talk to the driver so I was kind of short with him which is very unlike me as I usually never shut up. However, when we pulled up outside my apartment it started raining and he looked back at me in my dress and heels and said “wait, don’t get out yet”. He put his car in park, hoped out in the rain and pulled an umbrella out of the trunk. He came around to the side and opened my car door and walked me under the umbrella up to my front door. The sweetest thing or what? I thanked him a million times and told him how much I appreciated that after a long day and he said it was his pleasure to help.

Even after I was short with him during the ride, this man took the time to walk me to my door in the rain. It’s people like this that help make the world a better place and bring a smile when in need. That’s why when CAUSEBOX reached out about partnering up for their new CAUSEBOX 02 Campaign, I immediately jumped on board! The CAUSEBOX is a seasonal selection of socially conscious products for women where 7% of every purchase is given back to charity. Subscribers receive a box every quarter where they can choose to give back to a specific charity from their list of partners or let Sevenly pick for them.

I’ve always been a big fan of all the new subscription boxes that have popped up over the past few years, but one that give back to those in need is sure to be on the top of my list!

Dash of Sparkle

This week is all about giving back. Just like the kind gentleman who walked me to my door, take this week to help bring a smile to someone in need. Maybe sending an old friend a card just to say hi or helping a stranger carry their grocery bags to their car. Even the smallest kind gestures can go a long way:)

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