A Weekend of Catch Up
It’s Monday and I’m ready to kill it this week! I had one of the best weekends where I did absolutely nothing. You heard that right, no events, no work, no scheduled activities. Just spent time catching up with friends, sleeping in past 7am, wearing sweat pants and running errands that have been on my to-do list for weeks. I am starting the week with no unread e-mails, meals prepped for lunch and dinner each day, blog posts done and ready to share, and a clean apartment ready to take on the next few busy weeks. Playing catch up never felt so good! Anyone else love a weekend of nothing? I know we all need it sometimes:)

In the midst of my lazy weekend, I got a package in the mail with my new Rocksbox for the month. In case you didn’t know Rocksbox is the greatest thing to happen since slice bread…but really. It’s like renting jewelry pieces to wear for a few weeks and then giving them back to get replaced with brand new ones for the next few weeks. It’s pretty great, especially if you live in a small studio and are running out of storage space for your necklace obsession. Plus, it gets better! I’m giving you your first month FREE when you sign up here

Plaid Top/Skirt/Clutch(old, similar)/Heels/Tights/Jewelry-Rocksbox (free month here)
Photography by: Liz King

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