Recycled Pencil Jar
With a new job, comes a  new office and another space to decorate! I love adding a personal touch to my office space because if I’m going to spend most of my day there, I might as well make it cute. That means add all things girly, glittery, and pink..typical haha. I went to Target over the weekend and like usual, their $1 section got the best of me. I found some new pencils, pens, notepads, sticky notes, and a Sugar Paper LA calendar marked down to $2! I also spotted the perfect sticky note dispenser in the school supplies section. It was shaped like a giant diamond  (I will definitely be going back for that).  I was trying to find a simple pencil holder for my new supplies, but they didn’t have too many to choice from so I figured I’ll make my own. This pencil holder is so simple and only requires two things: a jar and washi tape.
Something you will find out is I have a slight addiction to peanut butter and when I say slight I mean I go through about a jar a week. On the bright side, I buy the all natural kind with only peanuts and salt in the ingredients so that makes me feel better about my addiction. It also comes in these nice glass jars that I peel the labels off of and reuse for leftovers, homemade salad dressings, or in this case a pencil holder!
Here’s how to make your own pencil holder:


  • old jar (you can also buy mason jars at your local craft store if you don’t have any old ones)
  • washi tape of your choice


  • Wash the jar out before hand and make sure it is completely dry before sticking the tape to it
  • Then simply design, cut, and stick (I drew my wave design on paper first and cut it out to use like a stencil)
  • The designs are endless here! Cut or stick the tap onto the jar in any shape or direction you choose. I did a simple wave pattern but here are some other ideas:
    • cheveron print
    • stripes
    • a gold dipped look (layer the tape over the bottom of the jar to look as if it was dipped into paint)
    • polka dots
    • swirls

Can’t wait to put this on my desk in the morning!

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