everyday is a special occasion

Hello! My name is Megan, I am a 20-something year old living in the city trying to make the most of everyday. I have been contemplating writing this post for months now with so many thoughts running through my head. What do I write about? Who do I address it to? What will the focus of my blog be? Maybe I should wait until something big happens to me. Will people even read this!?! Then I came across this quote on Pinterest that read “Don’t save things for a special occasion, everyday of your life is a special occasion” and I realized there’s not going to be fireworks or flashing lights saying “today is the day you should start and this is what you should write about”. So I told myself, just be you, that’s what you’re best at and that is why I am starting this blog, to be myself.

I’ll tell you a
little about myself and will try not to bore you with too many details. I grew
up in St. Louis and attended the University of Missouri-Columbia for college
having no idea what I wanted to do in life. I have always dreamed of moving to
a big city to achieve my ultimate dreams. By the way, I’m a big dreamer and
believe you can achieve whatever you put your mind to. Let’s just say I’m still
working that. I recently graduated with a degree in Marketing and two
internships under my belt with no idea what I wanted to do with my career. So I
moved to Chicago right after graduation for internship number three in event
planning and completely fell in love with the city. My parents would love for
me to move home (hi mom, hi dad) so they gave me the ultimatum; make enough
money to pay your bills or you’re coming home. I sure wasn’t going to let that
happen. I worked my tail end off during my summer internship while planning my
next step so I could stay in the city. I spent countless hours networking,
getting coffee with strangers who I crept on LinkedIn, Facebook messaging
people who had no idea who I was, talking for hours on the phone with people
who I looked up to, and applying for jobs like crazy. While it was a long
process and I hit many bumps in the road, I met so many remarkable people
during that time and was fortunate enough to land myself two more internships
and a part time job to make ends meet. To put it lightly I had no life. But if
that’s what it took to stay in the city and continue working towards my dream,
I didn’t care!  

Well, enough of my
pity party. I know things don’t come easily and that’s why I am still working
hard every day to achieve my dreams. My point of telling you this is that I had
no idea what I wanted to do and I still don’t to this day 100% know because
I want to do everything! While I’m not a master graphic designer, award winning
writer, professional tennis player, successful bakery owner, fashion designer,
celebrity wedding planner, HGTV interior designer, or the next Martha Stewart,
I am a person who loves and wants to do it all. I love to design different
computer generated content, write what I’m thinking, play tennis at the park,
bake treats for my coworkers, friends and family, put together outfits for
evenings out, plan get togethers with close friends, redecorate or paint my
apartment, and craft absolutely everything! That is why I decided to start this
blog, to be all those things while being myself! I plan to share content weekly
with different things I am doing and hope to spread positivity to others’ lives
to show that every day is a special occasion and it’s time to start celebrating
each and every day! 

2 thoughts on “everyday is a special occasion

  1. Wuraola A.

    Hi Megan! I needed to be more inpired by you so I went to your very first post and it’s quite beautiful. ❤

    1. Megan | Sparkles and Sprinkles Blog Post author

      Hi Wuraola, You’re too kind! To be quite honest I haven’t looked at this post myself in awhile but want to thank you for bringing it back to me. Sometimes when life gets crazy and things seem as if they will never slow down, it’s good to remember why you started and look at how far you’ve come. Thank you so much for the sweet words and for inspiring me to take a second to stop and appreciate what is right in front of me:) Hope it inspired you as much as it did me!


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